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Music and Racism

Music and Racism

Course offered Spring 2024

Teaching institution: mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Course Tutor: Marko Kölbl
Contact email: koelbl-m@mdw.ac.at

Course level: Postgraduate
Credit size: 2 ECTS / 2 US
Maximum number of students: 30

Marko Kölbl introduces Music and Racism

Music and Racism


This course explores various relations between music and racism. Departing from a student perspective, we address racist and Eurocentric structures in higher music education, taking a close look on the range of studies and curricula. We examine racialized expectations on musical performance in various musical styles and trace racist genealogies in music studies. Central to this course is an open definition of “music” that critically reconsiders the hegemonic position of Western classical art music. This pluralistic understanding of music enables further references to the parallelism of colonialism, racism and the oppression of musical expressions.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Reflect on their future profession as stage performers and music educators from an intersectional perspective, learning how the body, race, ethnicity, cultural biographies, class, gender and sexuality influence musical and teaching careers.
  • Develop anti-racist and anti-discriminatory strategies within their own music education environment.
  • Locate music and dance in relation to race and racism within broader geopolitical hegemonies.